Our mission is to give children around the world hope for a better life through the opportunities that come from a solid education.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that operates under biblical principles that bring glory to God and help to children in need, fostering more opportunities for them to break out of poverty.

We are dedicated to operating our organization with character, integrity, respect and love for God and people.

Fiscally responsible

At least 95% of every dollar we receive goes to supporting the children. The remaining 5% or less goes to administration costs. Our priority is and always will be the children we support!


Enoch was a sad child and his body was weak. He never played; he never participated in class. When his classmates went out to play at break time he stayed in the classroom.

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If you ever want to know what’s going on in child’s life, look in their eyes.

That’s what Gateway to Hope Director Tom LaCoppola discovered the first time he set foot in Uganda for a missions trip. There, Tom saw firsthand the needs of Ugandan children for a well-rounded, healthy, Jesus-focused educational experience.



As Tom toured a school being run by a local Ugandan church, he met Douglas, whose parents had died of AIDS. He saw the need in Douglas’s eyes and couldn’t turn away. Led of God to get directly involved, Tom decided to sponsor Douglas’s education by paying for his tuition, helping to meet the child’s needs and support the local church at the same time.

The look in Douglas’s eyes today is priceless — filled with the lasting joy that comes when someone in need is provided with hope, a future, and the love of God.



Today, we support 100 children in primary and high school, ensuring that they receive a solid foundational education, clothing, meals, healthcare, boarding where needed, and Christian teaching that will help them grow and have a successful future.

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